Continued from our previous blog:

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

An Indian Pow Wow--Celebrating Grayson's 6th birthday!

Yesterday we pulled off the perfect little party for Grayson's 6th birthday!
I had actually planned to have this party last year but never happened. 
Needless to say, it ended up being super fun and thankfully he's still a lover of all things Indian.'s a glimpse of our Indian Pow Wow....

Grayson designed and made all of the invitations....
(so thankful for his artistic abilities because these look way better than anything that I could have come up with!!)

the food....

Grayson added some table decorations...

party favors...

The little boys had a blast!  
The party was complete with a teepee, a campfire, Indian headdresses, Indian vests, and tomahawks!

Grayson requested Indian crafts....

Aren't these little Indians the cutest???!!??

Thankfully, our littlest Indian slept through the entire Pow Wow....she eventually joined the after-party.

This was seriously my favorite party to date!!  So much fun and absolutely gorgeous weather!!

We are so thankful for our little 6 year old!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


February seemed to be a long month for us.  I do believe it's just because we're so ready for this winter to be behind us and we're looking forward to warmer weather!
Here's a little synopsis of our February:
1. "Tea Time"--Grayson was learning about London, England in our Social Studies unit, so we decided to have our own formal "tea time" one afternoon--with fine china, nuts and "biscuits"

2.  Playtime--LOTS of indoor play due to all of the cold temps--Legos, Baby Dolls, Playmobil, books......(did I mention that we're ready for warmer weather???)

3.  The dreaded stomach bug hit 3 of us again....NOT fun!  Mimi was scheduled to come visit us and had to delay, then she had to delay once again because Papa got sick.  Then she had to delay again due to the ice!!! Heartwrenching, let me tell you!!!

4.  We did the best we could to celebrate Valentine's Day (it was the week we were recovering from sickness). There were love notes galore, a special V-day breakfast and V-day treats.

5.  Daddy's birthday!! Grayson decorated the cake all by himself!

6.  Snow!  2 snows..although the second one didn't amount to much of anything!  I was happy to at least get some pretty white stuff since we were having to deal with all the cold temperatures!  Grayson was all about having snowball fights, Caroline liked playing in it for about 10 minutes, and Anna Claire was pretty neutral---she loves being outside and didn't seem to mind the snow. 
The kids were happy to have it but have decided that it is now time for spring!!  

And I couldn't agree more!!